The coronavirus in a matter of weeks has transformed the landscape of our world. From what I understand, this virus dates back to December 2019, and I knew nothing of it as I was gearing up for 2020 to be a new decade loaded with blessing. 

Now I am growing in my understanding of what this year might look like for our world. I had big hopes for finishing out my time in Santa Barbara before moving to a new city to plant a church. All of a sudden my daughter’s kindergarten year might be over. I guess we’re a homeschooling family now. As a pastor, I am learning what it looks like to shepherd the flock at this time, and all of my paradigms are being put on the table.  I am used to ministry happening in larger gatherings with outreach events like Easter with upwards to 4,000 in attendance. I don’t think that will fall within the guidelines of social distancing. 

I’m figuring it out day by day by the grace of God. 

A lot of questions have been coming to my mind. How are we supposed to be the church right now? What does it look like to submit to governing authority and shelter in place, while my heart wants to be in a room full of people worshipping Jesus? What will church planting look like in this next season of the Church? I guess what I am saying is that it has been a wild ride coming to terms with life during the coronavirus crisis. I’m figuring it out day by day by the grace of God. 

Life has not stopped. It is just looking a little different these days. 

However, one thing I was reminded of as I was doing the dishes after a day of prayer and fasting (my meal was delicious by the way), is that life has not stopped. My daughter is still bursting at the seams with learning how to read and add up her numbers. My son, who is living his best life with the whole family home 24/7, still wants to play firefighters and ride his police motorcycle. I still have a birthday this week and my friends are having a baby this week. I’ll still make coffee in the morning and try to focus enough to get time in the Word before the onslaught of new coronavirus information comes. Life has not stopped. It is just looking a little different these days. 

… as we navigate these times, we all have something to learn.

I am not sure what tomorrow will look like, and I’m not supposed to know (James 4:13-14) The Bible is clear that in this life we are not promised ease of life, all the days of our life. Suffering is a reality in the scriptures, and some suffer for righteousness sake, others for unrighteousness, and sometimes we suffer simply because of the conditions of the time and place that we live. I am not one to speak into suffering. I haven't had to suffer much at all in my life, but there is something that is happening right now that is very unique. All over the world people are experiencing collective suffering. It is rare to have that kind of solidarity with humanity. Sure, some have it worse than others. For some people toilet paper was never a luxury even to be had.  Again, trying to speak into global suffering is not something I am qualified for, but as we navigate these times, we all have something to learn. We are all being tested through this trial to see if we value life. 

I want to get my eyes fixed on Jesus as I look forward to his imminent return.

My desire right now is to press into life. To remember that life is not canceled when all the things on my Google calendar are canceling. Now is a great time to slow down and get the needed rest that I’ve been struggling to find. Now is the time to go through the contacts in my phone and reach out to the family and friends that I haven’t checked in with in a while. Now is the time to have a greater depth of intimacy with God and to be reminded of his faithfulness even in the hardest of days. I want to get my eyes fixed on Jesus as I look forward to his imminent return. Now is the time to remember that I am but dust (Psalm 104:14), and that all flesh is like that flower that was in full bloom in my garden last week, but is now withered (Isaiah 40:6-7).  I have not been promised life tomorrow, but while I have it I want to enjoy it with my God, my family, and my community. It might have to be on Zoom for a while. 

Jesus is the life, and he will show you the full life that you can have in him even during a pandemic…

I don’t know what life has looked like for you, and I feel a little silly sharing some of my experiences, knowing that there are people going through great suffering right now. However, I know someone who understands what you’re going through. His name is Jesus. He was a man acquainted with sorrow and grief. He has been good to me in these days when I have come to him with my fears, doubts, and questions, and he has reminded me of the abundant life I have in him. Jesus is the life, and he will show you the full life that you can have in him even during a pandemic, and eternal life when it’s all over. So let’s crush it at life right now, what do you say?


