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  • When Jesus called His first disciples, we see in Matt. 4:19 that He did so by saying “Come, follow Me.” Today, nearly 2000 years later, He still calls people to Himself the same personal way – with an invitation to follow Him. Before we came to Jesus, we were all following someone or something else, so this is an invitation to a new way of living that begins now, but which lasts for all eternity. The intent of this booklet is to introduce you to some principles from God’s Word, the Bible, which we believe will be helpful to you in learning and growing in your walk with Jesus.


  • The Christian life is a life-long process of walking with Jesus so as to be more like Him, whom Hebrews 12:2 says is the author and perfecter of our faith. Rom. 8:29 tells us that if you are a Christian, God has chosen you to be conformed to the image of His Son. Through some of the things you studied in Vol. 1 of Foundations of Faith, such as God’s Word, an understanding of Sin & Salvation, the Holy Spirit, and Prayer, God is always at work in the life of a believer to mature us and make us more like Jesus. In this Booklet, we will examine some of God’s character attributes which should enlighten us as to the true nature of God, and motivate us to pursue Him more, and to grow deeper in our faith.


  • Marriage was God’s idea, and He created it. Therefore, He gets to make the rules pertaining to it, and He is the best and most reliable source of information on how to make it work. So, it is important to listen to what He has to say about it, and to then seek by the power of His Holy Spirit to let your marriage be all that He intended it to be.