Joshua 1

The death of Moses rocked the people of Israel (v. 1). He was their courageous leader who led them through the Red Sea, received the commandments from God, and navigated the wilderness of doubt. The Lord was now calling upon Joshua, the assistant of Moses, to lead the people into the Promised Land (v. 2). 

Change had to happen for this to take place. Everyone who doubted God’s promise had to die in the wilderness, and even Moses who misrepresented God when he struck the Rock twice had to die for the people to enter the new land (Num. 20). 

The bittersweet reality of death always brings change – the passing of old life to bring in new life.

With Moses’ death there was a transition of authority. God said that just as He was with Moses in every step, Joshua would be given all that the sole of his foot would tread upon (v. 3). Spanning territories would be divided to the people and no one would be able to stand in the way of God’s promise to Israel (v. 4-6). Joshua was called to lead the people into this promise, carrying the same authority as Moses (v. 7-8).

Transition of leadership always brings change – the passing of one generation to bring in the next generation.

Joshua, knowing what God was calling him to do, commanded the officers of the people to prepare for the coming changes (v. 10-11). Their wives, little ones, and livestock would remain in the camp as they passed through the Jordan to conquer the land toward the horizon (v. 12-15). These mighty men of valor needed to embrace the change of leadership in submission and unity as they moved into battle (v. 16-18)

Change requires a unified and submitted release of the past to enter the future. 

 Joshua was repeatedly told to be strong and courageous (v. 6, 7. 9, 18). Strength and courage are qualities needed to navigate changes such as the ones Israel experienced. Strength and courage are the map and the compass to guide you through change, as you trust in the promises of God. 


