Nehemiah 13

The word of God continued to bring reformation to Israel. Some of these reforms were easy to implement, others would require great sacrifice.  Nehemiah was consumed with zeal to see the children of Israel truly worship their covenant making God. He desired to see the lasting effects of their spiritual renewal. 

Before returning to serve the King of Babylon, Nehemiah gave clear orders to make a separation of those who worshiped and served God, and those who served idols. The Ammonites and the Moabite, both historical adversaries of Israel, were not allowed in the assembly of God because of their prior efforts to curse Israel (v. 1-3).

Zeal will consume you to separate from unholy actions, even if it means separating from certain people. 

Around 10 years later when Nehemiah returned from Babylon he found that the house of God was being used for personal gain (v. 6-7). Eliashib the priest abused his authority and allowed Tobiah, the lazy and proud critic of Nehemiah to turn God’s house into his own (v. 4-5). Nehemiah came in and cleaned house; throwing the Ammonite’s belongings out in the streets (v. 8-9) and appointed new people to give the proper care to the house of God (v. 10-14).

Zeal will consume you when you see the house of God being used for personal and dishonest gain.  

As Nehemiah returned he also noticed that the people were profaning the Sabbath. They were not giving themselves or the land and animals their proper rest (v. 15-16). Nehemiah reminded them how God had taken the people out of the land in order to let it rest (v. 17-18). It was for this very reason that Jerusalem had been destroyed. Utilizing the purpose of the rebuilt wall, Nehemiah closed the gates so that the merchants couldn’t come in and sell on the Sabbath (v. 19). And when they slept at the gates trying to get in, Nehemiah let them know he would lay his hands on them if they didn’t leave - they left (v. 20-22). 

Zeal will consume you care about the things that God cares about and you will make them a priority, such as rest. 

 The tipping point came when Nehemiah discovered that people were given in marriage to foreigners who didn’t keep the covenant. These people not only forgot about God, but also even forgot the language of Judah. Nehemiah was so consumed with zeal that he cursed the people and even punched some of them and pulled out their hair (v. 25). He made them vow to not make the same mistakes of Solomon, who was carried away by the sins of pagan women (v. 26-27). Nehemiah once again drove out everyone and everything that defiled the priesthood and the covenant (v. 28-30)

Zeal will cause you to drive out and deal harshly with anything that does not give honor and glory to God. 

Three times Nehemiah prayed for God to remember him for his zeal (v. 14, 22, 29) and we can be certain that God did remember him. Zeal is a consuming quality found in a person who desires above all to see God glorified. Are you zealous for him?


