Books of the Bible

Acts 16:1-15 - Starting a New Work
Paul began the second missionary journey by taking Silas to Derbe and Lystra, and there they met Timothy, a young disciple. Timothy joined Paul, and so did Luke, and the Holy Spirit led them to Macedonia to start a new work of God in Europe.

Acts 15:22-41 - Agreements and Disagreements
The Jerusalem council united over an agreement of how people are saved, but then Paul and Barnabas divided over a disagreement about John Mark.

Acts 15:1-21 - The Greater Glory of Grace
As we read about how the early church wrestled with the issue of whether Gentiles who came to faith in Christ had to also keep any part of the law to be saved, we will see how to deal with false teaching in the church and why the truth that salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, gives God the greatest glory, and is the basis for true Christianity.

Acts 14:13-28 - Disciples of the Living God
Paul and Barnabas faced many tribulations during their first missionary journey, including being mistaken as gods in Lystra, to then being stoned and left for dead. They continued to spread the gospel everywhere they went, while strengthening the souls of the disciples and appointing elders in every church.

Acts 14:1-12 - Divided Belief
The gospel continues to spread, but not without persecution. The gospel is a polarizing message - some will believe, and some will refuse to believe.

Acts 13:42-52 - Spreading the Word of God
Paul preached the Word of God in the city of Antioch Pisidia. The Word of God spread throughout the whole region. Many believed, but some of the Jews rejected the Word and thrust it aside.

Acts 13:13-41 - Proclaiming the Word of God
Paul preached a sermon in a synagogue, and he was able to systematically work through the Word of God to show that Jesus is the Christ.

Acts 13:4-12 - Sent by the Spirit
Barnabas and Saul began the first missionary journey by traveling to the island of Cyprus. There they had an encounter with a magician and a proconsul. The magician was blinded and the proconsul came to the faith in Jesus.

Acts 13:1-3 - A Spirit Led Church
The church in Antioch was led by the Holy Spirit. That church set apart Saul and Barnabas for the work that God was calling them to do. Years later the church in Antioch could look back on all the good things that God had done through them, because they listened to and obeyed the Holy Spirit.

Acts 12:12-25 - God’s Glory in the Expectant Heart
God is glorified when we believe and pray with the expectation that He will truly answer our prayers and that His answer to our prayers will be good because He is good.

Acts 12:1-11 - Jerusalem Jailbreak
The church in Jerusalem was facing violent persecution from King Herod. The Apostle James was martyred, and it was looking like Peter was next. However, God had other plans for Peter, and he sent an angel to break him out of jail. This happened while the church was in earnest prayer to God on Peter's behalf.

Acts 11:19-30 - Christians in Antioch
The church in Antioch was growing, and Barnabas went to see what was happening. When he saw the grace of God he was glad. He then brought Saul to join in the work God was doing there. The Lord's hand was on the church in Antioch, and it became the first place where disciples of Jesus were called Christians.

Acts - Baptism Sunday
Baptism is an outward physical expression of an inward spiritual reality.

Acts 11:1-18 - Following the Holy Spirit to Repentance
From the way in which the Gospel went to the Gentiles, we will see what it is like to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit who points to Jesus, brings Him glory, and leads us to repentance.

Acts 10:23-48 - Salvation for Gentiles
Peter preached the gospel to Gentiles, after realizing that God shows no partiality. God loves to save both Jews and Gentiles alike. As Peter was speaking the gospel message to Cornelius and his household, the Holy Spirit fell upon them, showing that salvation is for everyone who believes, and so they were all baptized.

Acts 10:1-23 - A Divine Rendezvous
To include the Gentiles in His plan of salvation, God arranged for Peter, a Jewish follower of Christ, to meet Cornelius, a Gentile, demonstrating that His grace is for everyone.

Acts 9:32-43 - Arise
Peter travels to Lydda and Joppa, where he heals a paralyzed man named Aeneas and raises a disciple named Tabitha (Dorcas) from the dead, leading many to believe in the Lord.

Acts 9:19-31 - The First Years of Discipleship
Saul of Tarsus was radically saved by Jesus. As a new believer in Christ he had to learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, and that came with some unique challenges for Saul, because of his past.

Acts 9:1-19 - Saul's Salvation Story
The testimony of how Jesus saved Saul of Tarsus, a persecutor of the church.

Acts 8:26-40 - A Divine Appointment
In this section of Scripture, we see that The Holy Spirit, who is the central actor in the Book of Acts, will sovereignly work to get the message of salvation through Jesus Christ to a willing heart.