Books of the Bible
Mark 6:14-29 - The Cost of Compromise
The name of Jesus is continuing to spread, and King Herod hears about Jesus. Mark 6:14-29 explains how John the Baptist was put to death because of Herod's compromise with sin. Herod's guilty conscience for what he did to John was blurring his ability to see Jesus clearly. He believed Jesus was John raised from the dead. Are you seeing the real Jesus clearly?
Mark 6:1-13 - Faith or Familiarity
Jesus marveled at their unbelief which was caused by familiarity and he could do no mighty works there. Jesus then sends out his disciples into villages to do his mighty works. Are we receiving and doing mighty works of God in faith, or have we become too familiar with Jesus?
Mark 5:21-43 - Healing Intersected
Jesus crosses back over the Sea of Galilee to find a crowd waiting for him. He performs two miracles and how they intersect tells us about how Jesus has a perfect plan that unfolds beautifully every time.
Mark 5:1-20 - Jesus and Demons
Stepping onto the shore of the Garasenes Jesus is confronted by a man that is severely demonized. Jesus delivers the man by sending the demons into a herd of pigs. This display of power and authority caused some to worship and others to be afraid. Mark 5:1-20 gives us understanding of the reality of demonic activity.
Luke 1-2 - The Witness and With-ness of Christmas
Luke tells us about the birth of Jesus, but what people often miss is how active the Holy Spirit was in the advent of Jesus. Today, the Holy Spirit is the power and the presence that we need to be effective witnesses for Jesus in the world.
Pastor David Guzik - 2 Corinthians 8:9 - He Became Poor
Pastor David Guzik from Enduring Word shares an Advent teaching about how we have become rich because Jesus became poor.
Mark 4:35-41 - Calm and Care in the Storm
Jesus tells the disciples to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Suddenly, a storm arises and the disciples question whether Jesus even cares. Jesus wakes up and calms the storm. Jesus does care, and he calms the storms in our lives.
Mark 4:21-34 - Secrets of the Kingdom
Having provided the key to unlocking parables, Jesus provides a series of parables to reveal the Kingdom of God.
Mark 4:1-20 - Listen in the Kingdom
Jesus begins to teach the crowd and his disciples in this parable. He explains to his disciples that the secrets of the kingdom of God have been given to his followers, but we have to listen. The four soils represent how we listen and receive the Word of God into our hearts.
Mark 3:20-34 - Do I Know Jesus?
More and more people are finding out about Jesus and are beginning to follow him. However, his family thinks that he is out of his mind and the Scribes are blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Mark 3:20-34 cause one to ask the question: Do I know Jesus?
Mark 3:1-19 - Restored and Chosen
Jesus is confronted again by the Pharisees, but shows that he came to do good and to save life by restoring a man's hand. After healing many more among the great crowds, Jesus goes up on a mountain to choose the twelve apostles.
Mark 2:18-28 - Dead Religion vs. Joyful Living Faith
Sometimes, we can get so caught up in religion and rules that we miss the reality of Jesus in our midst. We all need to be on guard against any legalistic tendencies in our own lives that will rob us of the joy of living a vibrant relationship with Jesus. Our faith is not about what we can do for God, but rather what he has already done for us through Jesus.
Mark 2:13-17 - Jesus Calls Sinners
Jesus shares a meal with many tax collectors and sinners after calling Levi to follow him. When questioned by religious leaders, Jesus says that he is a physician, not for the well, but for the sick. Mark 2:13-17 shows us that Jesus came on a mission to call sinners into relationship.
Mark 2:1-12 - Our Greatest Need
Four friends bring their paralytic friend to Jesus, and when Jesus sees their faith, he forgives the man’s sin and then heals him to display his authority. Pastor Daniel teaches from Mark 2:1-12 showing that Jesus is always looking to meet our greatest need - the forgiveness of sin.
Mark 1:29-45 - The Ministry of Jesus
Jesus had a full day of ministry in Galilee. Mark 1:29-45 gives us a look at the ministry of Jesus as he preached, prayed to the Father, and healed both big and small issues.
Mark 1:14-28 - The Authority of Jesus
Pastor Daniel teaches from Mark 1:14-28 showing that when Jesus arrived he brought with him the Kingdom of God. Jesus preached with authority, chose disciples, and had power over the domain of darkness.
*Our apologies for the sermon being cut off towards the end.
Mark 1:1-13 - Testimonies of Jesus
For our first service as Calvary Chapel Palos Verdes, Pastor Daniel teaches from Mark 1:1-13 showing that Jesus is the Son of God, and that there is an abundance of testimonies to this fact.