Books of the Bible
Mark 12:1-12 - The Gardens of the Lord
Through the parable of the tenants, Jesus reveals himself to be the son of God and asks us to reflect on the foundations of our life. Through the parable Jesus also warns that there is a day of judgment to come for those who reject the son, but the promise of God’s eternal garden to those who will receive it.
* Our sincere apologies for the overall audio issues.
Mark 11:12-33 - Faith Over Fruitlessness
Jesus cleanses the temple and curses a fig tree to show that fruitless religion is dead. Jesus teaches his disciples to have faith in God while believing in prayer and forgiving others.
* Our sincere apologies for the overall audio issues.
Mark 11:1-11 - Confidence and Trust in the King
Jesus enters the final week of his life with the Triumphal Entry. In Mark 11:1-11 we see the kind of confidence and trust we can have in Jesus, the King of Glory.
* Our sincere apologies for the overall audio issues.
Mark 10:35-52 - Kingdom Servants
What is greatness in the kingdom of God? Jesus teaches his disciples in Mark 10:35-52 that greatness in the kingdom is when you become a servant of all.
* Our sincere apologies for the first part of the sermon getting cut off.
Mark 10:23-34 - Come and Follow
After the rich young ruler left and decided not to follow Jesus, the disciples were amazed. Jesus explains to his disciples in Mark 10:23-34 more about what it means to enter the kingdom and follow Jesus and what it will cost a person.
Mark 10:13-31 - Coming to Jesus
The Pharisees, the children, and a rich young ruler all come to Jesus for a variety of reasons. We learn that only the children came the right way to enter the Kingdom.
Baptism Sunday
To continue our "firsts" as Calvary Chapel Palos Verdes, we are having a baptism service! Baptism is our outward expression of the inward reality that we have died and are raised with Christ.
Easter - Hope is Alive!
To celebrate our first Easter as a church we look at 1 Peter 1:1-9. Those who put faith in Jesus have been born again to a living hope. We have a living hope because we have a living God. Jesus died for sin, was buried, and three days later rose again. Therefore, hope is alive!
Mark 9:42-50 - Weeping
For Palm Sunday, we continue in Mark where Jesus teaches about hell. Jesus describes hell as a place of unquenchable fire, a worm that never dies, with weeping and gnashing of teeth. On Palm Sunday Jesus wept over Jerusalem, because the people did not want peace by being gathered to Jesus. Jesus weeps for those who perish apart from him.
Mark 9:30-41 - Servant of All
Jesus foretells of his death and resurrection for the second time, however, his disciples are arguing about who is the greatest. We learn from Mark 9:30-41 that greatness and unity come by being last of all and a servant of all.
Mark 9:2-29 - Knowing the Real Jesus
The transfiguration is Jesus showing himself as he is. God's desire is to reveal himself. Having denied ourselves and following the real Lord. He reveals himself in all his glory to us. And the pathway to accessing this revelation is prayer, as shown in the example that follows.
Mark 8:34-9:1 - The Call and Cost of Discipleship
Jesus gives the call to anyone who desires to follow him and says what it will cost, that we must deny ourself, and take up our cross.
Mark 8:22-33 - Seeing Jesus Clearly
Jesus continues his ministry by healing a blind man, but he ultimately is looking to heal spiritual blindness. Jesus asked the disciples the most important question anyone can ever be asked: who do you say that I am? The disciples are beginning to see that Jesus is the Christ, but they are still in the process of seeing him clearly.
Mark 8:1-21 - Understanding Bread
Jesus multiplies bread for another great crowd, but the disciples are not understanding the meaning and purpose of it yet. Jesus warns the disciples of the leaven of pride and unbelief, hoping they will soon see him as the bread of life.
Mark 7:24-37 - Jesus for the Others
While on vacation with his disciples, Jesus is sought out by Gentiles. Jesus breaks through cultural barriers and ministers to these "other" people with some interesting methods. Mark 7:24-37 shows us God's heart for all people and how he works uniquely for each person.
Mark 7:1-23 - The Heart of the Problem
Our greatest problem is internal, not external, in that what we need in order to be saved and transformed is a new heart. God graciously gives this to us when we come to Christ.
Mark 6:45-56 - Seeing Jesus in Storms
The disciples are struggling to make it across the Sea of Galilee when they see Jesus walking on water. Their initial reaction was fear, but after Jesus calms the storm they see him for who he really is and worship him. Mark 6:45-56 speaks of the difficulty of storms and the importance of looking to Jesus in them.
Mark 6:30-44 - Rest and Hunger
The disciples are doing so much ministry that they don’t have time to eat. Jesus calls his disciples away to rest awhile, however the crowd runs to meet them in the desolate place where they were going. Jesus has compassion on the crowd, so he teaches them and then multiplies loaves and fish to feed them. Mark 6:30-40 shows us how Jesus gives us rest and feeds our spiritual hunger.