Books of the Bible

James 3:1-12 - Taming the Tongue
The tongue is a small part of our bodies, but if it is not controlled, it can bring ruin. James admonishes believers to tame the tongue.

James 2:14-26 - Faith and Works
James shows us the difference between dead faith and living faith. Dead faith is faith without works. Living faith is faith with works. Good works cannot save anyone, but good works are what demonstrate that Jesus has in fact saved you by grace through faith.

James 2:1-13 - Showing Partiality
In a loving but firm way, James tells the church to stop showing partiality. Partiality is a sin, and like all sin, we must repent of it. Instead of showing partiality we should treat others the way we want to be treated.

James 1:19-27 - Moving From Belief to Behavior
This section of James talks about anger as well as the importance of being a doer of God's word, not just a hearer only. What we profess to believe should usher out in how we behave.

James 1:9-18 - Temptation: Its Source and Course
In a way that is similar to the Proverbs and the Beatitudes, James warns us about money and temptation. The source of temptation is not found in God, but in us. The course of sin is death, but Jesus gives the crown of life to those who love him and remain steadfast.

James 1:1-8 - Expect Trials and Wisdom
The Book of James starts by telling believers that we can expect to go through trials, but that we can also expect God to give us wisdom when we ask. Wisdom is needed so that we can countn it all joy when we meet various kinds of trials.

Baptism Sunday
Baptism is our outward expression of the inward reality that we have died and are raised with Christ.

2 Thessalonians 3 - The Word and Work
Paul ends his letter by asking the church to pray that the Word of God would spread quickly and be honored by those who receive it. In receiving this letter the church was also warned to keep away from Christians who were able to work, but were unwilling to work. Paul says, if they won't work then they should not eat.

2 Thessalonians 2 - Clarity About His Coming
Paul wrote to the Thessalonians to give clarity about the Coming of Jesus and The Day of the Lord. The afflicted believers had been led to believe that they missed the gathering of the church (the Rapture) and that The Day of the Lord had come and now they were living through the Great Tribulation. Paul explained that certain things have to take place for The Day of the Lord to come, such as the revealing of the Antichrist.

2 Thessalonians 1 - Resolutions With God
In this New Years Day teaching we identify five resolutions that a believer can have with God. The greatest is that we would know God and obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Christmas Eve - Matthew 2:1-12 - Come to Worship Him
After Jesus was born there were wise men who came from the east looking for the child who had been born King of the Jews. Directed by a star, a prophetic scripture, and an envious king, the wise men found Jesus in a house in Bethlehem. When they saw him they worshipped him.

Colossians 1:15-20 - Jesus
This amazing section from Colossians teaches us about Jesus, who is our God and Savior.

Luke 1:26-38 - The Angel Speaks to Mary
Advent is the celebration of the coming of Jesus. We see Mary as an example of the surrendered heart to the Lord’s will. We should react the same in light of his second coming.

1 Thessalonians 5 - Faith Awake and Active
This letter ends with a final encouragement that Jesus is coming again, and when he comes it will be like a thief in the night. However, as children of the day we can be awake and ready for his coming. We do that by being active in our faith - which Paul gives practical instruction for at the end of the letter.

1 Thessalonians 4 - Faith Now and Hope Future
There is a way that believers in Jesus Christ ought to live. We ought to walk in faith and please God, and while we live in holiness and honor, we await the coming of Jesus when he will rapture the church.
*Our apologies for the beginning of the sermon being cut off.

1 Thessalonians 3 - Faith Established
Timothy was sent to Thessalonica to find out if the believers were continuing in faith. Timothy brought a good report back to Paul which brought him great joy to know that the church was established in faith.

1 Thessalonians 2 - Faith Persecuted and Proved
Paul, Silas, and Timothy wrote this young church that had been persecuted upon their reception of the Word of God. There were false accusations being made against the gospel preachers, yet they proved to be men of good character and conduct. 1 Thessalonians 2 is very instructive to anyone who has a ministry, and the truth is...we all have one.

1 Thessalonians 1 - Faith Talked About
The church in Thessalonica became a model church in their surrounding region because of their faith, love, and hope. Their faith in God was being talked about everywhere because they simply believed and lived out the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Nehemiah 13 - A Not So Good Ending
The book of Nehemiah does not end on a good note. It ends with the people failing in the areas that they said they would obey God's law in. However, the ending of Nehemiah is good in that it shows us that the law cannot save us, and that Jesus removed the curse of the law when he died for sin and gave us the blessing of his righteousness.